..a dOse of wIsdOm...DiVinE ReVeLatioN...an AuThenTic tOuCh of HiS PrEseNce
Monday, October 5, 2009
A Successful Worship Concert
September 26, 2009. It was an unforgettable date because of the typhoon Ondoy that devastated thousands of lives in Manila and Catanduanes. But we have different agenda on that this day. This is the Worship Concert for God. This is the moment that all of us were anticipating. A big event to glorify God and worship Him. This is a great opportunity for us to show the world that we have a great God living in us.
There are four worship teams, and we are the second group. Our group were composed of three churches and we were united to bring extravagant praises and worship to our mighty Savior and Creator, Jesus Christ. The past few days, God allowed us to experience His glory until the concert. I'm so nervous that day. I prayed to God to seize the moment that I will give nothing but the best for Him. And He did not failed me. I sung three praises and I saw the heaven opens with gigantic angels carrying trumpets. I give out all my energy and strength to praise Him..that's all i want, to please Him.
The worship teams come together to worship God. I was soooo glad that these teams were united for one purpose and that is to glorify Him that day. I can feel their hearts in deep longing to see the glory of God. We're expecting for more concerts to come. And the group, I salute Him for our unity. We stayed together until the concert ends and part ways looking forward for more fellowship.
Thursday, September 24, 2009
A Night of Extravagant Worship Before Grand Concert
I fell into Satan's trap just before I went to practice for a worship concert. I came to our practice with a very burden in my heart. I don't deserve Him. Remorse slowly hit me and I am so tired for being like this. I asked forgiveness but this guilt feeling won't go. I need His grace. I can't do this. I can't stand in His presence.
I sang three praises but felt that wasn't enough. Some of us were already committing mistakes when we already perfected it a couple of days ago. Am also tired and I know most of us have a lot of concerns to attend. But for the very last time, I want to give Him the best of my best and all the things that I haven't poured out before. I asked Him last night. Lord, please make me pleasing unto You, please make me do my very best unto You.
During the last practice, it seems amo not doing my best yet. But I did in my own strength. I seek Him and wait for Him earnestly. I am desperate that night to give Him the best and the highest praises and worship that I ever have to offer. I felt that God is looking down upon us. He is seeking and searching for His worshippers. God knows our hearts. We want to pour our hearts unto Him. God saw it. And He didn't failed us. On our last song All of My Days, we worship not only through our mouth but through our hearts. He didn't want us to stop..my knees became weak and I fell into the floor..i felt to weak of His presence but all I want at that moment is to obey Him, please Him, and be consumed with His Holy Spirit.
The music is unstoppable and Sally is exhorting non-stop. And she fell in the floor. I grab again the phone and shout His praise non-stop. I went ballistic. My flesh is crying out of praise for Him. My being was so consumed of His grace, of His love, of His presence. I want to consume all of Him. We want to give Him praise and worship until our last energy because He deserves the best.The people in church vow down unto Him.. We felt His presence and we hear angels and trumpets. We're on the mountain but He is just near us among the the thousands of unseen worshipers and saints.
We know it's just an appetizer. God will do more on concert. And it was an unforgettable experience for the group.
Monday, September 21, 2009
God's Plan for Me: to be a Missionary
We had a devotion yesterday for worship concert.. One of our worship leaders, Sally discussed the meaning of worship..We're on the right track and it's good learn more from other fellow Christian. I was assigned to be in intercession. But God has different plans..
I long for His presence and He easily found me. As usual, tears kept falling like rain in my face and I can't contain these emotions. He said I need to give up someone that I learned to love even for a short time. It's hurting but I can feel that God is comforting me as a Father. I need to do this, if I will disobey, I will only suffer. After that, He came to us as a God. He used Sally's mother to give His message. Wow! It's our first time to encounter this!
Jesus was speaking through her!!!!! He said that He's coming soon... and He will send us to the different parts of the world to become salt and light of this earth. He said He loves us. I can't help but cry. I long to be with Him... and He said to me, I need to spread His word to my neighbor in Naga. That was Krisha's family, my classmate in college. If I failed, I will suffer punishment. But whatever happens, I know that I will obey.
But what struck me most is His plan for me that I will be a missionary...woah!!! It was the second time around that He reveal His message. Wahuhuhuhu...There is fear inside me..But God will enable me to fulfill His plans for me.. I will be a missionary someday and there's nothing I can do to prevent this from happening.
I long for His presence and He easily found me. As usual, tears kept falling like rain in my face and I can't contain these emotions. He said I need to give up someone that I learned to love even for a short time. It's hurting but I can feel that God is comforting me as a Father. I need to do this, if I will disobey, I will only suffer. After that, He came to us as a God. He used Sally's mother to give His message. Wow! It's our first time to encounter this!
Jesus was speaking through her!!!!! He said that He's coming soon... and He will send us to the different parts of the world to become salt and light of this earth. He said He loves us. I can't help but cry. I long to be with Him... and He said to me, I need to spread His word to my neighbor in Naga. That was Krisha's family, my classmate in college. If I failed, I will suffer punishment. But whatever happens, I know that I will obey.
But what struck me most is His plan for me that I will be a missionary...woah!!! It was the second time around that He reveal His message. Wahuhuhuhu...There is fear inside me..But God will enable me to fulfill His plans for me.. I will be a missionary someday and there's nothing I can do to prevent this from happening.
Saturday, September 19, 2009
Sing PRAISE unto HIM!!!
I am experiencing a great deal of depression, fatigue the past few weeks... But this is what God telling me,
SING PRAISE!!!! This is my daily devotional with Joel Osteen..but the sad thing is, I keep on ignoring them and focus on my inner struggle...But God is faithful, diligent, and patient.....He will always remind of of Romans 1:2 to renew my mind and have a new perspective..Now He is teaching me to praise Him!
Today’s Verse: “Sing, O childless woman, you who have never given birth...” (Isaiah 54:1, NLT).
Today’s Word:
Sometimes, when we don’t see our dreams and desires coming to pass, we can feel empty and barren like a woman who is unable to have children. But look at what this verse is saying: if you’ve got unborn promises, don’t just sit around in defeat. Don’t just give up and say, “Too bad for me.” No, God says when you’re barren, the first thing you need to do is sing a song of praise. You might think, “Well, Joel, I’m kind of depressed today. I’ll sing after I have my ‘baby.’” No, this passage wasn’t written to people who were holding their baby and had seen their dreams come to pass. It was written to empty-armed people; people who didn’t have what they were believing for. Do you know why? When you’re giving God praise, do you know what you are doing? You are activating your faith and putting yourself into position to give birth to that promise. You are setting yourself up for God to move on your behalf.
Why don’t you get into position today by singing a song of praise? All throughout the day, thank Him for what He is doing in your life and watch those dreams and desires come to pass.
Today’s Verse: “Unto You, O my Strength, I will sing praises; for God is my Defense, my Fortress, and High Tower, the God Who shows me mercy and steadfast love” (Psalm 59:17, AMP).
Today’s Word:
In the Bible, David had all kinds of challenges. People lied about him, accused him, and tried to kill him. In Psalm 59 he says, “My enemies are coming against me like vicious dogs trying to destroy me. But as for me, what am I going to do? I will sing about Your power. And I will shout for joy for You are my refuge, my place of safety in my day of distress.”
Notice, in David’s time of need, he wasn’t sitting around having a pity party and complaining. He decided to sing about the greatness of God. He was saying in effect, “My enemies may be powerful, but I know my God is all powerful. My obstacles may be high, but I know my God is the Most High.” He wasn’t talking to God about how big his problems were; he was talking to his problems about how big his God was!
Do you need to change your song today? Instead of complaining and thinking about what you’re not, start thanking God for what you are becoming. Just like David, stay in faith and sing to the Lord knowing that He’s going to complete what He’s started in you.
Dear Friend,
Hebrews 11 is one of my favorite passages in the whole Bible. It's often called "The Hall of Faith" – Noah. Abraham. Joseph. Moses. They all had their own unique dream that God placed in their hearts. Long before they saw their dreams come to pass, they could see them.
Can you see your name listed with theirs? God can. The same God who placed dreams in each of these heroes of the Bible has placed a great dream inside of you.
Whenever the dream inside you begins to show itself, there will be challenges, adversity and people telling you to give up. But the key is to KNOW that you KNOW that God will make good on His promise … and keep believing in and obeying God even when everything and EVERYONE around you is telling you to quit.
No one else can accomplish the dream God gave you. God planted the dream in your heart. No one else can do it for you. Through faith and obedience to God's Word, you can accomplish it, but you've got to take action.
Dreams only come true when the dreamer takes action.
If you are unsure of the dream, ask God to give you wisdom and clarity. Maybe you're having a hard time holding on to it because of the pressures of life. Or maybe you've been waiting and this is your moment to step out and move forward in faith!
The dream that God has given Victoria and me is not complicated. God has given us a dream to share His message of HOPE that leads people from all over the world to a relationship with Christ.
We ask for your help as we fulfill this God-inspired dream and reach out to as many people as possible. Thank you for your generous and faithful support..
Believing God's Best,
Joel Osteen
A Final Word – Don't forget, Dream Week starts October 5th. It's just a few days away, and we want you to be an active part of it. As you prayerfully consider what God would have you do to help us continue spreading the message of HOPE to others, I want to encourage you also to take a moment today to share your dream with us. You won't regret it!
Today’s Verse: “I think it right, as long as I am in this tabernacle (tent, body), to stir you up by way of remembrance” (II Peter 1:13, AMP).
Today’s Word:
Do you know that when we dwell on the wrong things, it affects our moods? We get down, discouraged, and lose our hope. Some people today don’t have the joy and the enthusiasm God wants them to have because they are constantly dwelling on negative things.
But if we want to be in the position to take hold of all that God has in store for us, we have to stir ourselves up by changing our thinking. Instead of dwelling on and remembering all the bad things that have happened in life, you have to remember all the good things God has done for you. Every time you give God praise, every time you sing a song of victory, you are acknowledging and remembering His goodness. You are causing your mind to focus on what He’s done for you. And, I’m convinced one reason the scripture tells us to bless the Lord at all times is because you can’t praise and complain at the same time!
I encourage you today, stay proactive. Don’t become passive in your thought life. Don’t let your guard down. Keep stirring yourself up by remembering His faithfulness and watch what He will do on your behalf!
Today’s Verse: “Bless our God, O peoples, give Him grateful thanks and make the voice of His praise be heard” (Psalm 66:8, AMP).
Today’s Word:
Do you know why praise is so important? When you give God praise, you are putting yourself in a position of power. You are connecting with Him and strengthening your inner man. You are watering the seeds of destiny He has placed on the inside of you.
If you are believing God for something specific, all throughout the day just thank Him that the answer is on the way. “Father, thank You for my new job.” “Thank You for restoring my marriage.” “Thank You for healing my body.” When you live with an attitude of thanksgiving, you are putting your faith to work and activating God’s supernatural power in your life. You are making progress toward seeing those promises fulfilled.
Make the decision today to water those seeds of destiny with praise and thanksgiving. Put God first and acknowledge Him in everything you do. Soon, you’ll see those promises take root, and it won’t be long before they flourish into the abundant harvest the Lord has prepared for you!
It's from Joel Osteen's daily devotionals...my personal message from God..I take position awhile ago when we practice for a concert. I am more comfortable with worship but He allowed me to sing praise to Him in a concert!!! Who am I to disobey??? I praise Him through our songs and glorify His name amidst of my brokenness. I feel His presence and I was surrounded by His comfort..
SING PRAISE!!!! This is my daily devotional with Joel Osteen..but the sad thing is, I keep on ignoring them and focus on my inner struggle...But God is faithful, diligent, and patient.....He will always remind of of Romans 1:2 to renew my mind and have a new perspective..Now He is teaching me to praise Him!
Today’s Verse: “Sing, O childless woman, you who have never given birth...” (Isaiah 54:1, NLT).
Today’s Word:
Sometimes, when we don’t see our dreams and desires coming to pass, we can feel empty and barren like a woman who is unable to have children. But look at what this verse is saying: if you’ve got unborn promises, don’t just sit around in defeat. Don’t just give up and say, “Too bad for me.” No, God says when you’re barren, the first thing you need to do is sing a song of praise. You might think, “Well, Joel, I’m kind of depressed today. I’ll sing after I have my ‘baby.’” No, this passage wasn’t written to people who were holding their baby and had seen their dreams come to pass. It was written to empty-armed people; people who didn’t have what they were believing for. Do you know why? When you’re giving God praise, do you know what you are doing? You are activating your faith and putting yourself into position to give birth to that promise. You are setting yourself up for God to move on your behalf.
Why don’t you get into position today by singing a song of praise? All throughout the day, thank Him for what He is doing in your life and watch those dreams and desires come to pass.
Today’s Verse: “Unto You, O my Strength, I will sing praises; for God is my Defense, my Fortress, and High Tower, the God Who shows me mercy and steadfast love” (Psalm 59:17, AMP).
Today’s Word:
In the Bible, David had all kinds of challenges. People lied about him, accused him, and tried to kill him. In Psalm 59 he says, “My enemies are coming against me like vicious dogs trying to destroy me. But as for me, what am I going to do? I will sing about Your power. And I will shout for joy for You are my refuge, my place of safety in my day of distress.”
Notice, in David’s time of need, he wasn’t sitting around having a pity party and complaining. He decided to sing about the greatness of God. He was saying in effect, “My enemies may be powerful, but I know my God is all powerful. My obstacles may be high, but I know my God is the Most High.” He wasn’t talking to God about how big his problems were; he was talking to his problems about how big his God was!
Do you need to change your song today? Instead of complaining and thinking about what you’re not, start thanking God for what you are becoming. Just like David, stay in faith and sing to the Lord knowing that He’s going to complete what He’s started in you.
Today’s Verse: “…Joshua said to the people: ’Shout, for the LORD has given you the city!’…And it happened when the people heard the sound of the trumpet, and the people shouted with a great shout, that the wall fell down flat” (Joshua 6:16 & 20, NKJ).
Today’s Word:
One of my favorite passages in the Bible is when Joshua and the Israelites took over the city of Jericho. Jericho had a massive wall built around the city that no army could penetrate. But that didn’t stop God from giving them the victory. He simply commanded the Israelites to march around the city in silence for six days, and on the seventh day they were to give a shout of praise.
It’s interesting that they had to shout before the walls came down. It seems more natural to shout and be happy after the victory, after the walls have fallen. But no, that doesn’t take any faith. We can all sing and give God praise when we’re on the mountaintop. But God wants us to learn to give Him praise when we’re in the valley.
If you are facing difficulty today, if there seems to be massive walls standing in the way of your breakthrough, remember, praise precedes the victory. Why don’t you do like the Israelites and give a shout of praise anyway. Stand and believe that God is at work even if you don’t see it. Before long, those walls will come down, and you’ll move forward into the victory He has prepared for you!
Today’s Word:
One of my favorite passages in the Bible is when Joshua and the Israelites took over the city of Jericho. Jericho had a massive wall built around the city that no army could penetrate. But that didn’t stop God from giving them the victory. He simply commanded the Israelites to march around the city in silence for six days, and on the seventh day they were to give a shout of praise.
It’s interesting that they had to shout before the walls came down. It seems more natural to shout and be happy after the victory, after the walls have fallen. But no, that doesn’t take any faith. We can all sing and give God praise when we’re on the mountaintop. But God wants us to learn to give Him praise when we’re in the valley.
If you are facing difficulty today, if there seems to be massive walls standing in the way of your breakthrough, remember, praise precedes the victory. Why don’t you do like the Israelites and give a shout of praise anyway. Stand and believe that God is at work even if you don’t see it. Before long, those walls will come down, and you’ll move forward into the victory He has prepared for you!
Today’s Verse: “…Joshua said to the people: ’Shout, for the LORD has given you the city!’…And it happened when the people heard the sound of the trumpet, and the people shouted with a great shout, that the wall fell down flat” (Joshua 6:16 & 20, NKJ).
Today’s Word:
One of my favorite passages in the Bible is when Joshua and the Israelites took over the city of Jericho. Jericho had a massive wall built around the city that no army could penetrate. But that didn’t stop God from giving them the victory. He simply commanded the Israelites to march around the city in silence for six days, and on the seventh day they were to give a shout of praise.
It’s interesting that they had to shout before the walls came down. It seems more natural to shout and be happy after the victory, after the walls have fallen. But no, that doesn’t take any faith. We can all sing and give God praise when we’re on the mountaintop. But God wants us to learn to give Him praise when we’re in the valley.
If you are facing difficulty today, if there seems to be massive walls standing in the way of your breakthrough, remember, praise precedes the victory. Why don’t you do like the Israelites and give a shout of praise anyway. Stand and believe that God is at work even if you don’t see it. Before long, those walls will come down, and you’ll move forward into the victory He has prepared for you!
Today’s Word:
One of my favorite passages in the Bible is when Joshua and the Israelites took over the city of Jericho. Jericho had a massive wall built around the city that no army could penetrate. But that didn’t stop God from giving them the victory. He simply commanded the Israelites to march around the city in silence for six days, and on the seventh day they were to give a shout of praise.
It’s interesting that they had to shout before the walls came down. It seems more natural to shout and be happy after the victory, after the walls have fallen. But no, that doesn’t take any faith. We can all sing and give God praise when we’re on the mountaintop. But God wants us to learn to give Him praise when we’re in the valley.
If you are facing difficulty today, if there seems to be massive walls standing in the way of your breakthrough, remember, praise precedes the victory. Why don’t you do like the Israelites and give a shout of praise anyway. Stand and believe that God is at work even if you don’t see it. Before long, those walls will come down, and you’ll move forward into the victory He has prepared for you!
Today’s Verse: “Sing, O childless woman, you who have never given birth...” (Isaiah 54:1, NLT).
Today’s Word:
Sometimes, when we don’t see our dreams and desires coming to pass, we can feel empty and barren like a woman who is unable to have children. But look at what this verse is saying: if you’ve got unborn promises, don’t just sit around in defeat. Don’t just give up and say, “Too bad for me.” No, God says when you’re barren, the first thing you need to do is sing a song of praise. You might think, “Well, Joel, I’m kind of depressed today. I’ll sing after I have my ‘baby.’” No, this passage wasn’t written to people who were holding their baby and had seen their dreams come to pass. It was written to empty-armed people; people who didn’t have what they were believing for. Do you know why? When you’re giving God praise, do you know what you are doing? You are activating your faith and putting yourself into position to give birth to that promise. You are setting yourself up for God to move on your behalf.
Why don’t you get into position today by singing a song of praise? All throughout the day, thank Him for what He is doing in your life and watch those dreams and desires come to pass.
Today’s Word:
Sometimes, when we don’t see our dreams and desires coming to pass, we can feel empty and barren like a woman who is unable to have children. But look at what this verse is saying: if you’ve got unborn promises, don’t just sit around in defeat. Don’t just give up and say, “Too bad for me.” No, God says when you’re barren, the first thing you need to do is sing a song of praise. You might think, “Well, Joel, I’m kind of depressed today. I’ll sing after I have my ‘baby.’” No, this passage wasn’t written to people who were holding their baby and had seen their dreams come to pass. It was written to empty-armed people; people who didn’t have what they were believing for. Do you know why? When you’re giving God praise, do you know what you are doing? You are activating your faith and putting yourself into position to give birth to that promise. You are setting yourself up for God to move on your behalf.
Why don’t you get into position today by singing a song of praise? All throughout the day, thank Him for what He is doing in your life and watch those dreams and desires come to pass.
Today’s Verse: “Unto You, O my Strength, I will sing praises; for God is my Defense, my Fortress, and High Tower, the God Who shows me mercy and steadfast love” (Psalm 59:17, AMP).
Today’s Word:
In the Bible, David had all kinds of challenges. People lied about him, accused him, and tried to kill him. In Psalm 59 he says, “My enemies are coming against me like vicious dogs trying to destroy me. But as for me, what am I going to do? I will sing about Your power. And I will shout for joy for You are my refuge, my place of safety in my day of distress.”
Notice, in David’s time of need, he wasn’t sitting around having a pity party and complaining. He decided to sing about the greatness of God. He was saying in effect, “My enemies may be powerful, but I know my God is all powerful. My obstacles may be high, but I know my God is the Most High.” He wasn’t talking to God about how big his problems were; he was talking to his problems about how big his God was!
Do you need to change your song today? Instead of complaining and thinking about what you’re not, start thanking God for what you are becoming. Just like David, stay in faith and sing to the Lord knowing that He’s going to complete what He’s started in you.
Today’s Word:
In the Bible, David had all kinds of challenges. People lied about him, accused him, and tried to kill him. In Psalm 59 he says, “My enemies are coming against me like vicious dogs trying to destroy me. But as for me, what am I going to do? I will sing about Your power. And I will shout for joy for You are my refuge, my place of safety in my day of distress.”
Notice, in David’s time of need, he wasn’t sitting around having a pity party and complaining. He decided to sing about the greatness of God. He was saying in effect, “My enemies may be powerful, but I know my God is all powerful. My obstacles may be high, but I know my God is the Most High.” He wasn’t talking to God about how big his problems were; he was talking to his problems about how big his God was!
Do you need to change your song today? Instead of complaining and thinking about what you’re not, start thanking God for what you are becoming. Just like David, stay in faith and sing to the Lord knowing that He’s going to complete what He’s started in you.
Wed at 8:02am
Dear Friend,
Hebrews 11 is one of my favorite passages in the whole Bible. It's often called "The Hall of Faith" – Noah. Abraham. Joseph. Moses. They all had their own unique dream that God placed in their hearts. Long before they saw their dreams come to pass, they could see them.
Can you see your name listed with theirs? God can. The same God who placed dreams in each of these heroes of the Bible has placed a great dream inside of you.
Whenever the dream inside you begins to show itself, there will be challenges, adversity and people telling you to give up. But the key is to KNOW that you KNOW that God will make good on His promise … and keep believing in and obeying God even when everything and EVERYONE around you is telling you to quit.
No one else can accomplish the dream God gave you. God planted the dream in your heart. No one else can do it for you. Through faith and obedience to God's Word, you can accomplish it, but you've got to take action.
Dreams only come true when the dreamer takes action.
If you are unsure of the dream, ask God to give you wisdom and clarity. Maybe you're having a hard time holding on to it because of the pressures of life. Or maybe you've been waiting and this is your moment to step out and move forward in faith!
The dream that God has given Victoria and me is not complicated. God has given us a dream to share His message of HOPE that leads people from all over the world to a relationship with Christ.
We ask for your help as we fulfill this God-inspired dream and reach out to as many people as possible. Thank you for your generous and faithful support..
Believing God's Best,
Joel Osteen
A Final Word – Don't forget, Dream Week starts October 5th. It's just a few days away, and we want you to be an active part of it. As you prayerfully consider what God would have you do to help us continue spreading the message of HOPE to others, I want to encourage you also to take a moment today to share your dream with us. You won't regret it!
Wed at 7:42am
Today’s Verse: “…Joshua said to the people: ’Shout, for the LORD has given you the city!’…And it happened when the people heard the sound of the trumpet, and the people shouted with a great shout, that the wall fell down flat” (Joshua 6:16 & 20, NKJ).
Today’s Word:
One of my favorite passages in the Bible is when Joshua and the Israelites took over the city of Jericho. Jericho had a massive wall built around the city that no army could penetrate. But that didn’t stop God from giving them the victory. He simply commanded the Israelites to march around the city in silence for six days, and on the seventh day they were to give a shout of praise.
It’s interesting that they had to shout before the walls came down. It seems more natural to shout and be happy after the victory, after the walls have fallen. But no, that doesn’t take any faith. We can all sing and give God praise when we’re on the mountaintop. But God wants us to learn to give Him praise when we’re in the valley.
If you are facing difficulty today, if there seems to be massive walls standing in the way of your breakthrough, remember, praise precedes the victory. Why don’t you do like the Israelites and give a shout of praise anyway. Stand and believe that God is at work even if you don’t see it. Before long, those walls will come down, and you’ll move forward into the victory He has prepared for you!
Today’s Word:
One of my favorite passages in the Bible is when Joshua and the Israelites took over the city of Jericho. Jericho had a massive wall built around the city that no army could penetrate. But that didn’t stop God from giving them the victory. He simply commanded the Israelites to march around the city in silence for six days, and on the seventh day they were to give a shout of praise.
It’s interesting that they had to shout before the walls came down. It seems more natural to shout and be happy after the victory, after the walls have fallen. But no, that doesn’t take any faith. We can all sing and give God praise when we’re on the mountaintop. But God wants us to learn to give Him praise when we’re in the valley.
If you are facing difficulty today, if there seems to be massive walls standing in the way of your breakthrough, remember, praise precedes the victory. Why don’t you do like the Israelites and give a shout of praise anyway. Stand and believe that God is at work even if you don’t see it. Before long, those walls will come down, and you’ll move forward into the victory He has prepared for you!
Today’s Word:
Do you know that when we dwell on the wrong things, it affects our moods? We get down, discouraged, and lose our hope. Some people today don’t have the joy and the enthusiasm God wants them to have because they are constantly dwelling on negative things.
But if we want to be in the position to take hold of all that God has in store for us, we have to stir ourselves up by changing our thinking. Instead of dwelling on and remembering all the bad things that have happened in life, you have to remember all the good things God has done for you. Every time you give God praise, every time you sing a song of victory, you are acknowledging and remembering His goodness. You are causing your mind to focus on what He’s done for you. And, I’m convinced one reason the scripture tells us to bless the Lord at all times is because you can’t praise and complain at the same time!
I encourage you today, stay proactive. Don’t become passive in your thought life. Don’t let your guard down. Keep stirring yourself up by remembering His faithfulness and watch what He will do on your behalf!
Today’s Verse: “Bless our God, O peoples, give Him grateful thanks and make the voice of His praise be heard” (Psalm 66:8, AMP).
Today’s Word:
Do you know why praise is so important? When you give God praise, you are putting yourself in a position of power. You are connecting with Him and strengthening your inner man. You are watering the seeds of destiny He has placed on the inside of you.
If you are believing God for something specific, all throughout the day just thank Him that the answer is on the way. “Father, thank You for my new job.” “Thank You for restoring my marriage.” “Thank You for healing my body.” When you live with an attitude of thanksgiving, you are putting your faith to work and activating God’s supernatural power in your life. You are making progress toward seeing those promises fulfilled.
Make the decision today to water those seeds of destiny with praise and thanksgiving. Put God first and acknowledge Him in everything you do. Soon, you’ll see those promises take root, and it won’t be long before they flourish into the abundant harvest the Lord has prepared for you!
It's from Joel Osteen's daily devotionals...my personal message from God..I take position awhile ago when we practice for a concert. I am more comfortable with worship but He allowed me to sing praise to Him in a concert!!! Who am I to disobey??? I praise Him through our songs and glorify His name amidst of my brokenness. I feel His presence and I was surrounded by His comfort..
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
the moDel of a Holy Man- JESUS CHRIST
Dr. Azana asked us last night to describe a Holy man and we answered six characters. But the simplest answer is the simply Christ-like. Yeah it's simple but it's the hardest thing to do right? Even the most obedient Christians in the world will always struggled in pursuing the Christ like attitude.
I have learned that Jesus is non-sectarian and non-judgmental. He came to this earth not as a judge but as a Savior of the earth. The past few days are tough opportunities to apply the things that you have learned. I was corrected again by God not to judge. In some ways I didn't know I was already pronouncing a judgment to a person even in a slight manner.
I was reminded again of the word "grace", which is giving to someone he or she didn't deserve. I am His child, created in His own image, and I am only His servant. So who am I not to practice it to other people. Forget about the hurt, forget about the pain. That's why Jesus told us, deny yourself, carry your cross, then follow me.
I still struggle on the part denying oneself...i always focus on my hurt, my pain, ......duh!!! forget about it! I am praying to God to handle my deceiving heart. It's not easy for Jesus to take the cross but He did for the will of His father! He's the best model if we want to become Holy. The moment we surrender, not accept Jesus Christ as our Savior and Lord, the journey of becoming a holy one begins.Jesus is living within us. and if we are faithful in Him and in His words, we can surely attain a life of holiness.
The person who is most pained, hurt, and humiliated is the one that initiates forgiveness and reconciliation... He was mocked, spitted in face, betrayed, maltreated, and tortured to death....yet he did not complain!!!! He didn't deserve these but He did for the undeserving like us.
There was pain in my heart because I was rebuked but i was more enlightened..i always look back to the cross everytime I am in pain..because Jesus was the most wounded person that we need to remember...
I have learned that Jesus is non-sectarian and non-judgmental. He came to this earth not as a judge but as a Savior of the earth. The past few days are tough opportunities to apply the things that you have learned. I was corrected again by God not to judge. In some ways I didn't know I was already pronouncing a judgment to a person even in a slight manner.
I was reminded again of the word "grace", which is giving to someone he or she didn't deserve. I am His child, created in His own image, and I am only His servant. So who am I not to practice it to other people. Forget about the hurt, forget about the pain. That's why Jesus told us, deny yourself, carry your cross, then follow me.
I still struggle on the part denying oneself...i always focus on my hurt, my pain, ......duh!!! forget about it! I am praying to God to handle my deceiving heart. It's not easy for Jesus to take the cross but He did for the will of His father! He's the best model if we want to become Holy. The moment we surrender, not accept Jesus Christ as our Savior and Lord, the journey of becoming a holy one begins.Jesus is living within us. and if we are faithful in Him and in His words, we can surely attain a life of holiness.
The person who is most pained, hurt, and humiliated is the one that initiates forgiveness and reconciliation... He was mocked, spitted in face, betrayed, maltreated, and tortured to death....yet he did not complain!!!! He didn't deserve these but He did for the undeserving like us.
There was pain in my heart because I was rebuked but i was more enlightened..i always look back to the cross everytime I am in pain..because Jesus was the most wounded person that we need to remember...
Friday, September 11, 2009
What are 49 Ways to Love God and Others?
49 Commands of Christ
By ITW Staff
The theme of all Scripture is to love God with all of our hearts and to love one another.
(Read Matthew 22:40 and John 13:34.)
1. Repent—Matthew 4:17 Humility2. Follow Me—Matthew 4:19 Meekness
3. Rejoice—Matthew 5:12 Joyfulness
4. Let Your Light Shine—Matthew 5:16 Generosity
5. Honor God’s Law—Matthew 5:17–18 Love
6. Be Reconciled—Matthew 5:24–25 Responsibility
7. Do Not Commit Adultery—Matthew 5:29–30 Self-Control
8. Keep Your Word—Matthew 5:37 Truthfulness
9. Go the Second Mile—Matthew 5:38-42 Deference
10. Love Your Enemies—Matthew 5:44 Creativity
11. Be Perfect—Matthew 5:48 Sincerity
12. Practice Secret Disciplines—Matthew 6:1–18 Faith
13. Lay Up Treasures—Matthew 6:19–21 Thriftiness
14. Seek God’s Kingdom—Matthew 6:33 Initiative
15. Judge Not—Matthew 7:1 Discernment
16. Do Not Cast Pearls—Matthew 7:6 Discretion
17. Ask, Seek, and Knock—Matthew 7:7–8 Resourcefulness
18. Do Unto Others—Matthew 7:12 Sensitivity
19. Choose the Narrow Way—Matthew 7:13-14 Decisiveness
20. Beware of False Prophets—Matthew 7:15 Alertness
21. Pray For Laborers—Matthew 9:38 Compassion
22. Be Wise as Serpents—Matthew 10:16 Wisdom
23. Fear Not—Matthew 10:26 Boldness
24. Hear God’s Voice—Matthew 11:15 Attentiveness
25. Take My Yoke—Matthew 11:29 Obedience
26. Honor Your Parents—Matthew 15:4 Honor/Reverence
27. Beware of Leaven—Matthew 16:6 Virtue
28. Deny Yourself—Luke 9:23 Determination
29. Despise Not Little Ones—Matthew 18:10 Tolerance
30. Go To Offenders—Matthew 18:15 Justice
31. Beware of Covetousness—Luke 12:15 Contentment
32. Forgive Offenders—Matthew 18:21–22 Forgiveness
33. Honor Marriage—Matthew 19:6 Loyalty
34. Be a Servant—Matthew 20:26-28 Availability
35. Be a House of Prayer—Matthew 21:13 Persuasiveness
36. Ask in Faith—Matthew 21:21–22 Patience
37. Bring in the Poor—Luke 14:12–14 Hospitality
38. Render to Caesar—Matthew 22:19–21 Gratefulness
39. Love the Lord—Matthew 22:37-38 Enthusiasm
40. Love Your Neighbor—Matthew 22:39 Gentleness
41. Await My Return—Matthew 24:42–44 Punctuality
42. Take, Eat, and Drink—Matthew 26:26–27 Thoroughness
43. Be Born Again—John 3:7 Security
44. Keep My Commandments—John 14:15 Diligence
45. Watch and Pray—Matthew 26:41 Endurance
46. Feed My Sheep—John 21:15-16 Dependability
47. Baptize My Disciples—Matthew 28:19 Cautiousness
48. Receive God’s Power—Luke 24:49 Orderliness
49. Make Disciples—Matthew 28:20 Flexibility
I must admit that I failed to some of them, forget some of them..but i don't ignore them.. Because these are the 49 ways to show our love to God....
source: discipleshiptools
What's So Amazing About Grace?
It was the book of best selling author Phillip Yancey.. I had to admit that I got bored by the way he presented his thoughts but I find it hard to ignore it..Aside from it's a requirement, I know that I will learn a lot..it has a life changing effect.. when I am creating a final exam and reflecting on my learnings, I can't help but cry when I contemplate on God's goodness..
Grace is given to someone who doesn't deserve it.. It costs nothing from the recipient but costs everything from the Giver. God costs His Son for those who are undeserving. We did nothing to deserve God's gift-a gift of life...yet we have it. I always look back to the Parable of the Lost Son...and I always see myself in it.
Grace taught me how to be humble, how to be patient, and how to forgive.. It continously teach me how to love others most especially the unlovables. I don't deserve His grace, but I have it. God accepted the best and the worst of who I am. So who am I to boast?
Grace is given to someone who doesn't deserve it.. It costs nothing from the recipient but costs everything from the Giver. God costs His Son for those who are undeserving. We did nothing to deserve God's gift-a gift of life...yet we have it. I always look back to the Parable of the Lost Son...and I always see myself in it.
Grace taught me how to be humble, how to be patient, and how to forgive.. It continously teach me how to love others most especially the unlovables. I don't deserve His grace, but I have it. God accepted the best and the worst of who I am. So who am I to boast?
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
Leadership in God's KiNGDOM
There's a big difference between secular leadership and biblical leadership. They are actually on the opposite poles.
If you want to become a leader, you must aim to be a servant first. That's the only thing that will make you qualify as a leader in God's kingdom. In this world, you need to have power, prestige, and pride.
LEADERSHIP IN GOD'S KINGDOM IS ALL ABOUT SERVANTHOOD. It is forgetting yourself for the sake of other people. It is all about HUMILITY as what Jesus did. I always bear in mind the basin and towel as a sign of God's humility. If we know our position to God, we would care less about getting a position in ministry.
We are fueled to do more for God in serving Him because He loves us much. Jesus is the best model, the best disciple and the best discipler of all times. Being a part of God's kingdom is already a privilege. If He will exalt His servant, He will do it in His time, not ours. If He will promote a servant, He will promote it regardless of what he's doing in the church.
If you want to become a leader, you must aim to be a servant first. That's the only thing that will make you qualify as a leader in God's kingdom. In this world, you need to have power, prestige, and pride.
LEADERSHIP IN GOD'S KINGDOM IS ALL ABOUT SERVANTHOOD. It is forgetting yourself for the sake of other people. It is all about HUMILITY as what Jesus did. I always bear in mind the basin and towel as a sign of God's humility. If we know our position to God, we would care less about getting a position in ministry.
We are fueled to do more for God in serving Him because He loves us much. Jesus is the best model, the best disciple and the best discipler of all times. Being a part of God's kingdom is already a privilege. If He will exalt His servant, He will do it in His time, not ours. If He will promote a servant, He will promote it regardless of what he's doing in the church.
Thursday, August 27, 2009
More Devotion, Greater Challenges
I have to admit that the past few weeks was tiring for me. But it's ok if it's for God..I am just asking for an extra strength to fulfill all His task that He assigned to me. Practice for the upcoming worship concert. This is a collaboration of all churches in Albay and Legaspi. It was a privilege for us and a great challenge to balnce everything...work, ministry, and God. I have less time in comprehensive Bible reading nowadays. But I still have prayer and devotion. I wasn't able to pass my journal as our requirement in shepherd's meeting. But I wasn't able to write because I don't want to push myself because it is a requirement. Besides, my blog is always updated because it serves as my online journal. Yup, I'm already a part of it. It's a privilege but it's not really big deal on my part. I will serve God will all my heart regardless of my position in the church.
God is my focus and an intimate relationship with Him. as what He has always said in Matthew 6:33, seek Him first and everything will be added to me. I know He is beautifying me inside. This is the only thing that concerns me and everything will just follow.
I am still dealing with the fear of rejection but it's alright. God loves me just as I am. I wouldn't ask my fellow Christian to love me. I don't need that. I please God and not men.
I will expect more challenges coming from the Lord the more I spend time with Him. I need to be busier seeking Him rather than doing something for His kingdom. I need to check that I am connected with Him and don't neglect the king.
God is my focus and an intimate relationship with Him. as what He has always said in Matthew 6:33, seek Him first and everything will be added to me. I know He is beautifying me inside. This is the only thing that concerns me and everything will just follow.
I am still dealing with the fear of rejection but it's alright. God loves me just as I am. I wouldn't ask my fellow Christian to love me. I don't need that. I please God and not men.
I will expect more challenges coming from the Lord the more I spend time with Him. I need to be busier seeking Him rather than doing something for His kingdom. I need to check that I am connected with Him and don't neglect the king.
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
Greater Opportunities from God
I want to b His servant... His disciple..But i know it will cost me everything. I am starting to build my prayer life and devotion.I see to it that I will pray and at the same time will have a quiet time for Him. I long to be consistent for this. Last night after singing few songs for Him, i fall into a deep sleep.
I can feel this fire that consumes me. I just want to sing songs for Him as I gaze at His beauty. It feels good to serenade the King. But most of all, I feel so blessed knowing that I am making Him happy on my own simple ways.
There are so many opportunities God is sending me..opportunity to learn and grow..opportunity to strengthen my faith... opportunity to draw closer to Him...opportunity to know Him more... i wanna make sure that I grab all of them...I want to take good care of those blessings that He has entrusted me.
I know these opportunities, whether big or small will play a greater impact on my character as a Christian and a servant of God.. Right now, our church is blessed to be included as one of the worship team for a big concert this coming September. It will be an additional time and additional task but we will do this for the glory of God...
I can feel this fire that consumes me. I just want to sing songs for Him as I gaze at His beauty. It feels good to serenade the King. But most of all, I feel so blessed knowing that I am making Him happy on my own simple ways.
There are so many opportunities God is sending me..opportunity to learn and grow..opportunity to strengthen my faith... opportunity to draw closer to Him...opportunity to know Him more... i wanna make sure that I grab all of them...I want to take good care of those blessings that He has entrusted me.
I know these opportunities, whether big or small will play a greater impact on my character as a Christian and a servant of God.. Right now, our church is blessed to be included as one of the worship team for a big concert this coming September. It will be an additional time and additional task but we will do this for the glory of God...
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
FREEDOM from the CHAINS of the PAST

-----tHE only tHing that will quaLify you to BecoMe sPiriTuaL lEadeR is tHe fAcT tHat yOu tHink yoU arE noT qUaLifiEd-----
-----God won't Care how maNy tImeS yoU FaLL bUt hOw mAnY tImeS yOu RiSE!!!--------
We were tackling the dark side of leadership on Bible school. I came to know the famous leaders, both secular and spiritual that they have dark pasts..they are all full of imperfections yet they surpass their weaknesses. all of us are dealing with it and nobody is excempted.
I easily discredit the thought of becoming a leader....i don't want commitments and responsibilities... but most of all, i am afraid i might fail again...i am even doubtful about the trust of other people...it is me who was the very first to doubt my capability... i've dealt with a lot of frustrations and disappointments in the past because of these failures..

but last night, I was deliberately enlightened and felt a sense of inner peace in my heart...we all have freedom to choose... PAIN IS PAIN, BUT SUFFERING IS A CHOICE...PAIN IS A FRIEND, IT'S GOD'S DESIGN TO MOLD OUR CHARACTERS... But our choices are crucial...choosing to become BETTER OR BITTER...A VICTOR OR A VICTIM....
PAIN and FAILURES are simply our stepping stones to success..when the DUST OF LIFE is approaching, we just need to shake it off...
It's indeed a challenge for me..God will help me to deal my past and use them for His glory..I am now confident,,,i'm not qualified to becomne a leader in the eyes of the people...but God will enable me...
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
God Deals the Ghost of My Past

Learning is an easy part of life's daily challenges. It's easy to memorize and remember what you have learned. But the most challenging part is to put them into practice. The Lord revealed me that it will cost me my prayer life I am really determined to walk on His ways. He showed me all the things that I need to fix in my life... the very first major issue that i will have struggle to overcome is the dire burdens of my past...
I thought I was able to forgive, I thought I am ok and doing well.. But deep in my heart is a swelling wound that refused to be healed... every time i remember those persons who have hurt me on the past, my heart is screaming in paranoiac boiling fury... i know it was wrong.. but God's grace and revealed it to me so I can deal with it.. it was continuously bruised and broken by the same situation yet different persons...

For the past few years I faced the cruel ways of rejection from my own family, some of my peers way back in my college life, my exboyfriend and his mother... I came to accept the fact that no one will ever learn to love me. THEY HATE ME! that's all i know. So what? I am soooo tired pleasing them hoping that they will know the good side of me. to no avail! i always end up being rejected, ignored, and condemned. all the more i discovered that I was badly beaten, broken, and torn apart. My soul was paralyzed in deep hurt and numbness.
I still experience them even I belong now to a Christian community. and im just used to the old systems-- i've handled rejections again, adjusting to the people who never liked me. This time, God taught me a new approach. He taught me to respond in a positive way. It's really hurting to be rebuked and corrected and it's even more hurting to be judged for who you are not...
God is teaching me how to be strong, to struggle for Him, because He is with me on every battle I am facing right now. I have my greatest armor now: His LOVE... i can come to Him no matter how many times I failed. I know when everybody hates me, Someone is loving me and accepting me unconditionally. God is just asking me to trust Him and draw closer to Him.
When I prayed last night, I came to Him wounded but He reminded me that i was healed through His wounds.
I can't explain nor describe the value of grace and forgiveness God has given me. It's one of the greatest experesion of His love. He will be there, and He will let me win on my battle.
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
Spiritual Discipline
I realize that it's impossible for me to become a mature Christian unless i practice spiritual discipline. Our ultimate goal as a Christian is to be like Christ. And all of us are on this process. This is out topic in Bible School. and spiritual discipline includes prayer and fasting, spiritual study, meditation, and worship. Without these four, it will all become futile.
I believe that our motive will matter...it must be our desire to know Him more and become closer to Him everyday. If this is not our intention, our walk to spiritual discipline (SD) is dime aimless and fruitless.
Our character is the main reason why we are pursuing SD. It's a crucial step to imitate the image of Christ..it's a continous process. It needs labor and hardwork, diligence, perseverance and consistency.
ASIDE FROM THESE THEORY AND KNOWLEDGE, YOU WILL HAVE A DEEP UNDERSTANDING OF WHAT IS SPIRITUAL DISCIPLINE IF YOU OUT IT INTO PRACTICE. sEveral adjustments will need to be made so you can become an effective servant of the Lord. I myself will consider a baby in faith. and i have to admit that I am just starting...i know thta God will continously renew everyday as I get to know His godly character..
I believe that our motive will matter...it must be our desire to know Him more and become closer to Him everyday. If this is not our intention, our walk to spiritual discipline (SD) is dime aimless and fruitless.
Our character is the main reason why we are pursuing SD. It's a crucial step to imitate the image of Christ..it's a continous process. It needs labor and hardwork, diligence, perseverance and consistency.
ASIDE FROM THESE THEORY AND KNOWLEDGE, YOU WILL HAVE A DEEP UNDERSTANDING OF WHAT IS SPIRITUAL DISCIPLINE IF YOU OUT IT INTO PRACTICE. sEveral adjustments will need to be made so you can become an effective servant of the Lord. I myself will consider a baby in faith. and i have to admit that I am just starting...i know thta God will continously renew everyday as I get to know His godly character..
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
Bible School Learnings Continued
I had a great weekend I spend with my family. But I was torn between my pursue with the Lord and purse with my professional career. My faith was being tested with the current situation of my family. They badly needed my support and my job here isn't enough to finance them.
I had a dear sister, my classmate in Bible school, I poured out everything to her, all the pressures, anxieties, and frustrations I've felt. She said that it's a test of faith. Yeeeeee.... and the best thing that I need to do is trust Him. It's easier said than done. I can say I trust the Lord but my spirit will convict me of the truth. I'm on the tough situation. But I know I need to lay down my burdens to Him...
My mission is still on hold... YET i believe i just need to wait for his signals..it's time for fishing...but i was waiting for the confirmation. I learned from the Bible School that I need to wait and don't push... This is the testtimony about the test of my faith to God.
It's far beyond my comprehension. But God is the only person whom I can trust. and this is the best thing that I can do. I know someday, when this test is over, I am a different person God has designed me to be...
I had a dear sister, my classmate in Bible school, I poured out everything to her, all the pressures, anxieties, and frustrations I've felt. She said that it's a test of faith. Yeeeeee.... and the best thing that I need to do is trust Him. It's easier said than done. I can say I trust the Lord but my spirit will convict me of the truth. I'm on the tough situation. But I know I need to lay down my burdens to Him...
My mission is still on hold... YET i believe i just need to wait for his signals..it's time for fishing...but i was waiting for the confirmation. I learned from the Bible School that I need to wait and don't push... This is the testtimony about the test of my faith to God.
It's far beyond my comprehension. But God is the only person whom I can trust. and this is the best thing that I can do. I know someday, when this test is over, I am a different person God has designed me to be...
Monday, July 27, 2009
God confirms your mission through church and circumstances
This is the topic last night about about Experiencing God module. And I thank God that I was on a right track..He is teaching me to trust Him amidst the circumstances. He is slowly directing me what to do..I am waiting for His timing to open a bible study here at work. The instruction from the Lord was clear to me. It's all up to Him...the lecture says DON'T PUSH...JUST WAIT...and this is what I will do... which is far more easy than to take matters on my own initiative.
I know that my brothers and sisters in Christ are supporting me.. I don't get counsels from all of them. But i trust them that they will support me through their prayers. We are starting a young adult ministry and we need laborers. He will provide. He will work. all we need to do is to put our faith and trust on Him and be willing to respond to Him when we're urged to respond.
The circumstances are confirming...as God allows me to build relationship with my co-workers. We had a team building just last Sunday and God instructed me to just seize the moment. Enjoy while at the same time connecting with my new frieds...the new future soldiers and workers of God!!!!!
And I believe...and I will expect to recieve.
I know that my brothers and sisters in Christ are supporting me.. I don't get counsels from all of them. But i trust them that they will support me through their prayers. We are starting a young adult ministry and we need laborers. He will provide. He will work. all we need to do is to put our faith and trust on Him and be willing to respond to Him when we're urged to respond.
The circumstances are confirming...as God allows me to build relationship with my co-workers. We had a team building just last Sunday and God instructed me to just seize the moment. Enjoy while at the same time connecting with my new frieds...the new future soldiers and workers of God!!!!!
And I believe...and I will expect to recieve.
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
i Miss You Lord!!!!
After a day of recreation with my friends in Christ, I was exhausted at work. I was thinking I'm on a day shift. on how wrong I was..and I spend the rest of Monday evening doing nothing. I ask guidance from the Lord..i'm thinking about the discipleship study in work..here i go again...my faith, patience, and endurance was being tested again.
But i kneel down to Him and completely trust Him surrendering everything to Him knowing that there is no way I can do this. The past few weeks has been exhausting and tiring for me because of the change of workplace. While I was riding on a jeep, i close my eyes and took a nap..It feels like someone is offering a shoulder to me.. and I know it's Him, reminding me that I can only take a rest on His arms..I missed Him already..it seems that it's eternity that we didn't talk...a day without prayer is like hell!!!!! three days of disobedience is more than hell!!jeeeeezzzzzz!!!

I should have learned all of this! oh how I really missed Him...sooooooo much...but I know that He's just there, carrying me in His arms, listening to the beat of my heart..and I could feel His presence...there's a silence but I know it's Him...
I realized that it's only Him that I badly needed..nothing in this world can ever make me need like the way I need Him..my soul has regained strength..all I know is to cling to Him, trust that He is in control, and wait for His timing...
I know that in His time He will use me to have a discipleship study on work....
But i kneel down to Him and completely trust Him surrendering everything to Him knowing that there is no way I can do this. The past few weeks has been exhausting and tiring for me because of the change of workplace. While I was riding on a jeep, i close my eyes and took a nap..It feels like someone is offering a shoulder to me.. and I know it's Him, reminding me that I can only take a rest on His arms..I missed Him already..it seems that it's eternity that we didn't talk...a day without prayer is like hell!!!!! three days of disobedience is more than hell!!jeeeeezzzzzz!!!

I should have learned all of this! oh how I really missed Him...sooooooo much...but I know that He's just there, carrying me in His arms, listening to the beat of my heart..and I could feel His presence...there's a silence but I know it's Him...
I realized that it's only Him that I badly needed..nothing in this world can ever make me need like the way I need Him..my soul has regained strength..all I know is to cling to Him, trust that He is in control, and wait for His timing...
I know that in His time He will use me to have a discipleship study on work....
discipleship study,
Iris Bulalacao,
Jesus Christ
Friday, July 17, 2009
A Proclamation of Faith

God is teaching me to walk my faith...It's on my daily devotional since last night... I don't have money for dinner so i was hoping i have the strength to endure my hunger. But i wasn't discouraged. Instead, I firmly said and proclaim "God will provide!". This was my first time that I stand firm on this faith and hold on that He will provide.
We had our bible class. before I went to office, one of my sister in Christ asked me if I still have money to buy some food. I just laugh and she pulled me in a secret place and gave me money..it's more than I need! I knew it!!! God will not allow me to suffer from hunger...haha!!
And now, this is the daily devotional i received from Joel Osteen. Take a step of faith. Hand on to my faith and don't give up. This morning the Spirit lead me to the book of Ezra. The first chapter talks about foundation. It made sense. Faith in God is my foundation so I can fulfill my purpose.
God is more than just my God. He is my real father. He is putting a clear light on my path, guiding where I am heading...FAITH, I NEED TO TAKE A STEP ONE AT A TIME, AND PROCLAIM IT...
Thursday, July 16, 2009
empowerment on Bible School
it's last Monday since I first attended in Bible school and our church filled almost more than half of the class.amazing! and all of us are exciting about our class. This time, it's more challenging and more worthy because we are learning more about the kingdom of God..
the course is composed of five modules about Christian Leadership Foundation. and the first module is all about experiencing God..the course was very powerful for me since this is what God wants me to start..to experience a LOVE RELATIONSHIP WITH HIM, not just to DO SOMETHING FOR HIM..
for the first few months of my early Christian life, I started working at ministry while I sometimes forget my relationship with the Father. I find it hard to establish an intimate relationship with Him since I don't spend more time with Him.. I know day by day He leads to this kind of relationship that He always wanted.
at least today, God allows to reveal Himself to me little by little as I grow deeper on Him..there are struggles, but I don't worry because I know that He will remind me and help me overcome it by His grace..and Im getting more excited about these future encounters with God...
the course is composed of five modules about Christian Leadership Foundation. and the first module is all about experiencing God..the course was very powerful for me since this is what God wants me to start..to experience a LOVE RELATIONSHIP WITH HIM, not just to DO SOMETHING FOR HIM..
for the first few months of my early Christian life, I started working at ministry while I sometimes forget my relationship with the Father. I find it hard to establish an intimate relationship with Him since I don't spend more time with Him.. I know day by day He leads to this kind of relationship that He always wanted.
at least today, God allows to reveal Himself to me little by little as I grow deeper on Him..there are struggles, but I don't worry because I know that He will remind me and help me overcome it by His grace..and Im getting more excited about these future encounters with God...
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
d Savior's Deep Expression of Love
I was having a devotion yesterday...it happened everyday... devotion is the fire and blood of a worshipper, of a servant, of a true love of Christ...
I was inspired by the ebook i just finished reading, the prophetic worshipper..to pursue an intimate relationship with Christ...its not easy for me at the start as i need to renew my approach in devotion..but it was worth it...day by day i am getting close to him...and here is the sweetest and the most passionate message He has ever said to me:
I experienced it and I couldn't contain the love that He has for me..that's how He loves us... i just savor the moment, i stayed on His arms...He was sooooooooooooo beautiful and i don't want to end it...He was soooooooo good to me...
I was inspired by the ebook i just finished reading, the prophetic worshipper..to pursue an intimate relationship with Christ...its not easy for me at the start as i need to renew my approach in devotion..but it was worth it...day by day i am getting close to him...and here is the sweetest and the most passionate message He has ever said to me:
Place me like a seal over your heart,
like a seal on your arm;
for love is as strong as death,
its jealousy unyielding as the grave.
It burns like blazing fire,
like a mighty flame.
Many waters cannot quench love;
rivers cannot wash it away.
If one were to give
all the wealth of his house for love,
it would be utterly scorned.
--Song of Songs 8:6-7
I experienced it and I couldn't contain the love that He has for me..that's how He loves us... i just savor the moment, i stayed on His arms...He was sooooooooooooo beautiful and i don't want to end it...He was soooooooo good to me...
Thursday, July 2, 2009
Working Efficiently to Honor the Most High
"Let your light so shine before men that they may see your moral excellence and your praiseworthy, noble, and good deeds and recognize and honor and praise and glorify your Father Who is in heaven" (Matthew 5:16, AMP)
These verse is like a punch in my face saying "Iris, wake up! Here's what you need to remember!"
I was in struggle how can I honor God because I feel am not satisfied with what I'm doing. And here comes the daily devotional from Joel Osteen (i regularly receive it). I will bring honor and glory to God if I will do good on work, if I will seek to excel in everything that I do.
Am working as a content writer. But must have to admit that the quality of my work don't seem to impress me and even others. Because I am working as an average writer! No more than that! I have to admit that I'm getting bored once in a while. But I forgot the very essence of working from the perspective of God. I came to bring honor and glory to Him by excelling on my work and doing my best.
Let me quote the explanation of Joel Osteen whihc really pound my heart....
It's quite a challenge. Nd I need to start working for it right now....Am not serving the people..and i'm not pleasing my superiors..i should work with the intention of honoring God..and one of this to bring out the best quality output that i can make...
These verse is like a punch in my face saying "Iris, wake up! Here's what you need to remember!"
I was in struggle how can I honor God because I feel am not satisfied with what I'm doing. And here comes the daily devotional from Joel Osteen (i regularly receive it). I will bring honor and glory to God if I will do good on work, if I will seek to excel in everything that I do.
Am working as a content writer. But must have to admit that the quality of my work don't seem to impress me and even others. Because I am working as an average writer! No more than that! I have to admit that I'm getting bored once in a while. But I forgot the very essence of working from the perspective of God. I came to bring honor and glory to Him by excelling on my work and doing my best.
Let me quote the explanation of Joel Osteen whihc really pound my heart....
I heard somebody say, “Your performance gives you a platform.” When you excel in what you do, that gets people’s attention. The way to gain respect, the way to gain influence is to develop your character and skills in such a way that people want what you have. They may not agree with what you believe, but when you are the best in your company, they can’t argue with that. You’ve earned their respect, not by your words, but by your spirit of excellence.
I encourage you today, don’t settle for mediocrity. You are a child of the Most High God. Make the decision today to let your light shine and bring Him glory in everything you do!
It's quite a challenge. Nd I need to start working for it right now....Am not serving the people..and i'm not pleasing my superiors..i should work with the intention of honoring God..and one of this to bring out the best quality output that i can make...
Thursday, June 25, 2009
a Call to Be Patient and Self-Controlled
I must admit that I really can't concentrate on work... the environment is sooooooooo unhealthy. it seems that I am working in a marketplace with palengkeros and palengkeras. I feel so sad that there's no difference between educated and non-educated people. There is no difference between intelligent and foolish.
Yeah, God is teaching me to love my enemies, but Paul is also giving us a warning not to associate with bad people for it corrupts good manners. I don't want to get angry, as Bible instructed us to be slow to anger. We are acting like foolish when we tend to get angry so easily. I am like this when I don't have Christ in me.
It's really a challenge. But there are things that I need to give up or otherwise I will suffer. Am asking for Gods wisdom. I want to act like a Christian. I am no longer the same person who acts and thinks as if I don't have God in me...
This calls for perseverance, patience, and faith to keep God's commandments in times like this...and of course, self-controlled. It might seem like you wanna butt in and say "hey, you shut up!" but you can't because it's a wrong way. I don't want to blame but i need to find a way so I can work without getting distracted.
Yeah, God is teaching me to love my enemies, but Paul is also giving us a warning not to associate with bad people for it corrupts good manners. I don't want to get angry, as Bible instructed us to be slow to anger. We are acting like foolish when we tend to get angry so easily. I am like this when I don't have Christ in me.
It's really a challenge. But there are things that I need to give up or otherwise I will suffer. Am asking for Gods wisdom. I want to act like a Christian. I am no longer the same person who acts and thinks as if I don't have God in me...
This calls for perseverance, patience, and faith to keep God's commandments in times like this...and of course, self-controlled. It might seem like you wanna butt in and say "hey, you shut up!" but you can't because it's a wrong way. I don't want to blame but i need to find a way so I can work without getting distracted.
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
God Provides when Your Company Fails to Pay You on Time
When we are about to run out of money, our great tendency is to complain... You think you have all the right to do so most especially if your salary takes toooooooooo long to arrive... We are running out of supply and I can't even have a cash advance for crying out loud!
I am working on a company with very low salary...we always get paid almost a week after payday....so how am i suppose to react??? its always like this... there are times that you will be really disappointed and darn frustrated...but i doubt if this company will care about how you feel...
there's nothing we can do about this..we all end up losers if i will choose to feel that way... in this situation, God is teaching me to trust Him,,, that He will be the One who will provide me with what I need...
So what will I do? All i need to do is to ask Him about my needs and He never fails to provide me..It helps a lot more than choosing to become frustrated and disappointed...
So i don't worry.. And I don't get annoyed... which means I am far more spared from getting headaches...You might be asking why I am still here working? The answer is simple....there is a great catch of fish here.. and besides, I love the job, including my team. and am working not really to serve the company...i'm here to be a good servant and steward of God since He is the OWNER of these things...
I am working on a company with very low salary...we always get paid almost a week after payday....so how am i suppose to react??? its always like this... there are times that you will be really disappointed and darn frustrated...but i doubt if this company will care about how you feel...
there's nothing we can do about this..we all end up losers if i will choose to feel that way... in this situation, God is teaching me to trust Him,,, that He will be the One who will provide me with what I need...
So what will I do? All i need to do is to ask Him about my needs and He never fails to provide me..It helps a lot more than choosing to become frustrated and disappointed...
as Jesus promised "Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink; or about your body, what you will wear. Is not life more important than food, and the body more important than clothes? Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they? Who of you by worrying can add a single hour to his life?Matthew 6:25-27"
So i don't worry.. And I don't get annoyed... which means I am far more spared from getting headaches...You might be asking why I am still here working? The answer is simple....there is a great catch of fish here.. and besides, I love the job, including my team. and am working not really to serve the company...i'm here to be a good servant and steward of God since He is the OWNER of these things...
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
When God Reveals a Worshipper in You
.... I have a lot of problems the past few days.. I can't even concentrate with my work. So much pressure...But everytime I go to office I always read this one.. it's an ebook that I downloaded from a Christian website.
But what catches me here is the fact that God inhabits our praises and worship. Yup we need skills... but this is more than just singing songs and hymns to God. I realize the power of music that works through the presence of God.

it's not all about music... rather, IT IS THE PRESENCE OF GOD IN MUSIC that deeply touches the heart of soul...
God cannot enter in a heart where He is not welcomed... And He cannot stay either if we continue to hold sins in our hearts...
God taught me to focus on Him, not on my ugliness and my imperfection.. I cannot understand why He is doing this to me..Or is it hard for my to accept that God loves me so much?? I need Him but somehow refuse Him to come to me.. I came to a point that I even hate and condemn myself.
But when I surrender everything to Him, and gaze at His beauty, you will stand at His awe.. and no matter what happens, He is very much willing to show how beautiful You are in His eyes..
I was remembered that I was created to glorify and worship Him.. Many will discredit me service to God, even my leadership... But I will never stop being a worshipper of God..and I know I can't make this, it is Him that fulfills my destiny and plan for me.
But what catches me here is the fact that God inhabits our praises and worship. Yup we need skills... but this is more than just singing songs and hymns to God. I realize the power of music that works through the presence of God.

it's not all about music... rather, IT IS THE PRESENCE OF GOD IN MUSIC that deeply touches the heart of soul...
God cannot enter in a heart where He is not welcomed... And He cannot stay either if we continue to hold sins in our hearts...
God taught me to focus on Him, not on my ugliness and my imperfection.. I cannot understand why He is doing this to me..Or is it hard for my to accept that God loves me so much?? I need Him but somehow refuse Him to come to me.. I came to a point that I even hate and condemn myself.
But when I surrender everything to Him, and gaze at His beauty, you will stand at His awe.. and no matter what happens, He is very much willing to show how beautiful You are in His eyes..
I was remembered that I was created to glorify and worship Him.. Many will discredit me service to God, even my leadership... But I will never stop being a worshipper of God..and I know I can't make this, it is Him that fulfills my destiny and plan for me.
Thursday, May 21, 2009
The Sacrifice of Praise
"Through Him, therefore, let us constantly and at all times offer up to God a sacrifice of praise, which is the fruit of lips that thankfully acknowledge and confess and glorify His name"
(Hebrews 13:15, AMP).
This verse in the Bible is teaching me to praise God amidst of everything...I have to admit that my heart is struggling to be healed.. But the irony is, God is teaching me to praise Him no matter what..I keep on playing christian songs here and I felt relieved when i fully dedicate and sing the songs for Him...
I am in great struggle... God knows it... God knows how I feel and what I am going through right now... But this verse reminded me to praise Him...it's not all about me and my emotions..It's all about God... I should praise Him in spirit and in truth....
(Hebrews 13:15, AMP).
This verse in the Bible is teaching me to praise God amidst of everything...I have to admit that my heart is struggling to be healed.. But the irony is, God is teaching me to praise Him no matter what..I keep on playing christian songs here and I felt relieved when i fully dedicate and sing the songs for Him...
I am in great struggle... God knows it... God knows how I feel and what I am going through right now... But this verse reminded me to praise Him...it's not all about me and my emotions..It's all about God... I should praise Him in spirit and in truth....
Monday, May 18, 2009
God is Gracious
In spite of all the frusttrations in life, in spite of all my failures, ugliness, and imprecfection, God never fails to give me the strength I need. He was blocked by my sins and inability to become humble.
But being humble is the only way..admitting your weakness and asking help from our Father is a sign of humility..i know there is no way I can overcome my weakness except on trusting and asking the help of God....
God is asking me to be strong.. That i should obey His instructions...Right now I am trying to regain my confidence in Him...I'm holding on to Him and asking for the strength that I need because there is no way I can survive on this tough battle without Him...
But being humble is the only way..admitting your weakness and asking help from our Father is a sign of humility..i know there is no way I can overcome my weakness except on trusting and asking the help of God....
God is asking me to be strong.. That i should obey His instructions...Right now I am trying to regain my confidence in Him...I'm holding on to Him and asking for the strength that I need because there is no way I can survive on this tough battle without Him...
Thursday, March 19, 2009
Courage for Micah
Oh how she used to adore seeing the full moon on a cold Saturday night. She’s not supposed to be with Micah but he’s beside her right now. He’s still the same guy she used to know. Handsome as always… He never failed to make her heart melt like butter every time she sees him. He’s the kind of guy who makes her want to look at his face over and over again. He doesn’t know, but she just loves to look at his lovely sparkling eyes that speak innocence in spite of his blatant arrogance. He is strong and full of confidence for himself. There’s just one thing she hates about him—he can read what she feels and he really finds it pleasurable to tease her! Grrrr… ..oh my! Is she that obvious???
But tonight, she can’t see Micah. He’s with her alright, but she knew something is wrong. She can feel it even if he’s not speaking; she just sits beside him. There’s a big space of silence between them. She doesn’t wanna speak either. She’s afraid she might say the wrong words. She terribly missed him and he doesn’t have any idea that she was getting torned by the fact that she won’t be seeing him for months. No communication at all, not even through texting. And she knew the new heights of challenges he’ll be facing on a training camp.
Extensive trainings, strenuous activities, mind-grappling tasks that will test his skills and endurance. It’s the kind of life that he chooses—the life of a SOLDIER.
She can’t find any words to say. She knows right from the very start that she’s not capable of strengthening him. So she just grabbed his hands and held them tightly, not wanting to let him go. She looked straight to his eyes, but hoping he can’t see this pain that’s starting to consume her. His weakness was clearly mirrored on his beautiful eyes that’s starting to get wet…She felt the urge to cuddle him like a child but she was afraid she might just show her heart squeezed like a sponge to see him like this. Until he broke the silence with these words…
‘’I’m weak inside but I’m not supposed to show this to you. But I want you to know that no matter what happens, I won’t give up. I want to show you that in spite of these struggles inside of me, I am fighting so hard.”
He’s holding her hand so tight…. this seems to be the only thing she can give him. She loses the power to give him the strength he needs but she ought to be strong for him. Then she started recalling the story of her favorite Bible character.
“I remember what God said when Joshua was about to face his enemies, be strong and courageous. The Lord was with him and so he was able to overcome all of his battles. Just imagine how all kingdoms unite their forces in trying to defeat Joshua and his people. They are all powerful and their unified strength can terrify you. But none of these kingdoms have won the Lord was with Joshua. I know that you'll be facing a tough battlefield when you leave . But I know that He will be with you, and I put my trust in Him that you will surpass the challenges that God has give you.” she said without looking at him, flashing a smile with growing excitement as she proclaims the triumph of the Lord.
“When you’re on the weakest point of your life, I hope you will be inspired by Gideon. When God asked him to save the Israelites from Midian’s hand, do you know what his response is? He claimed that his clan is the weakest and he is the least in his family. Maybe he’s really weak. I imagined the kind of self-esteem that he has- so fragile, so untrusting, so desperate. But God made him a winner. He had 15,000 soldiers with him fighting against 120,000 from Zebah and Zalmuna. (Judges 8:7; 8:10). And you I guess you know what happened. Gideon won because the Lord was with him. In your weakness, He'll show you how mighty He is!”
“Woah! 15,000 against 120,000?!!!!” He exclaimed.
“uhuh”, she replied gently but arrogantly, not trying to look at him again.
“Amazing!!...that was incredible!!”…
“Thanks, that what I exactly needed!”……
There’s a long silence. He held her hand again and both closed their eyes.
Then he whispered on her ears, “I’ll miss you a lot,… and I love you so much Miss...”
She didn’t bother to say another word and instead she looked at him tenderly, enjoying a great view of his handsome face.
“I’ll wait for you”
“yeah.. and I promised you that the enemies can’t do anything to make me give up the fight. We’ll never back down you understand me??” Micah said to her with full of assurance. She just nodded, not uttering a single word.
She’s stronger now, armed with courage to go on with her faith to God. She knew it’s not going to be easy. But trusting more God and learning the battles he have won thousand years ago learned gave her hope and assurance. Micah will be alright. He’ll survive there, carrying the name of God...
Thursday, February 26, 2009
How Powerful Is Love to Change You?
They say that when you’re in love with someone, your life will never be the same. Everything is bright. Everything that you’re doing has a direction. You’re life is full of meaning. And when the going gets tough, you still have the energy to keep pushing until you finally overcome. In spite of the storm, you will learn to smile and shove away the burdens just a thought of that special someone that keeps you alive inside. Oh, how romantic isn’t it? And most of all, you never thought that you will become a better person you never imagined you’re capable of becoming.
February is now approaching and I can feel the big L is in the air. I’m not really a sentimental type neither of person nor into those mushy stuffs. This ain’t my type of personality. But that doesn’t mean I’m stone-hearted, far from that! In spite of my dominance, I still can’t hide my tenderness. I can’t help but show my concern and my longing to be with a person. You know that you are really in love when you know you are willing to give everything that you have. You are willing to give up all the things that are not pleasant for your loved one. No matter how hard it is, you’re willing to take the risk and pay the price even if it’s causing you to die inside. You really can’t love without getting your clothes torn or your halo askew, but this big thing that keeps pumping on your blood, its all worth the effort!
When I fall in love, I gave up everything. Personal ambition, my selfish needs, my own gratification. I even give up the need to be independent and in-control of my life. I used to hate my old self that keeps on hunting me like a nightmare. It cuts my heart with double-edged knife every time I look at her. But I don’t bother anymore because Someone is loving me more than I hate myself. I can’t explain the mystery of love. All I know, it is powerful enough to change me and became a person I never thought I could be. It was Him. And He’s worth all my love that I have for Him.
February is now approaching and I can feel the big L is in the air. I’m not really a sentimental type neither of person nor into those mushy stuffs. This ain’t my type of personality. But that doesn’t mean I’m stone-hearted, far from that! In spite of my dominance, I still can’t hide my tenderness. I can’t help but show my concern and my longing to be with a person. You know that you are really in love when you know you are willing to give everything that you have. You are willing to give up all the things that are not pleasant for your loved one. No matter how hard it is, you’re willing to take the risk and pay the price even if it’s causing you to die inside. You really can’t love without getting your clothes torn or your halo askew, but this big thing that keeps pumping on your blood, its all worth the effort!
When I fall in love, I gave up everything. Personal ambition, my selfish needs, my own gratification. I even give up the need to be independent and in-control of my life. I used to hate my old self that keeps on hunting me like a nightmare. It cuts my heart with double-edged knife every time I look at her. But I don’t bother anymore because Someone is loving me more than I hate myself. I can’t explain the mystery of love. All I know, it is powerful enough to change me and became a person I never thought I could be. It was Him. And He’s worth all my love that I have for Him.
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