Oh how she used to adore seeing the full moon on a cold Saturday night. She’s not supposed to be with Micah but he’s beside her right now. He’s still the same guy she used to know. Handsome as always… He never failed to make her heart melt like butter every time she sees him. He’s the kind of guy who makes her want to look at his face over and over again. He doesn’t know, but she just loves to look at his lovely sparkling eyes that speak innocence in spite of his blatant arrogance. He is strong and full of confidence for himself. There’s just one thing she hates about him—he can read what she feels and he really finds it pleasurable to tease her! Grrrr… ..oh my! Is she that obvious???
But tonight, she can’t see Micah. He’s with her alright, but she knew something is wrong. She can feel it even if he’s not speaking; she just sits beside him. There’s a big space of silence between them. She doesn’t wanna speak either. She’s afraid she might say the wrong words. She terribly missed him and he doesn’t have any idea that she was getting torned by the fact that she won’t be seeing him for months. No communication at all, not even through texting. And she knew the new heights of challenges he’ll be facing on a training camp.
Extensive trainings, strenuous activities, mind-grappling tasks that will test his skills and endurance. It’s the kind of life that he chooses—the life of a SOLDIER.
She can’t find any words to say. She knows right from the very start that she’s not capable of strengthening him. So she just grabbed his hands and held them tightly, not wanting to let him go. She looked straight to his eyes, but hoping he can’t see this pain that’s starting to consume her. His weakness was clearly mirrored on his beautiful eyes that’s starting to get wet…She felt the urge to cuddle him like a child but she was afraid she might just show her heart squeezed like a sponge to see him like this. Until he broke the silence with these words…
‘’I’m weak inside but I’m not supposed to show this to you. But I want you to know that no matter what happens, I won’t give up. I want to show you that in spite of these struggles inside of me, I am fighting so hard.”
He’s holding her hand so tight…. this seems to be the only thing she can give him. She loses the power to give him the strength he needs but she ought to be strong for him. Then she started recalling the story of her favorite Bible character.
“I remember what God said when Joshua was about to face his enemies, be strong and courageous. The Lord was with him and so he was able to overcome all of his battles. Just imagine how all kingdoms unite their forces in trying to defeat Joshua and his people. They are all powerful and their unified strength can terrify you. But none of these kingdoms have won the Lord was with Joshua. I know that you'll be facing a tough battlefield when you leave . But I know that He will be with you, and I put my trust in Him that you will surpass the challenges that God has give you.” she said without looking at him, flashing a smile with growing excitement as she proclaims the triumph of the Lord.
“When you’re on the weakest point of your life, I hope you will be inspired by Gideon. When God asked him to save the Israelites from Midian’s hand, do you know what his response is? He claimed that his clan is the weakest and he is the least in his family. Maybe he’s really weak. I imagined the kind of self-esteem that he has- so fragile, so untrusting, so desperate. But God made him a winner. He had 15,000 soldiers with him fighting against 120,000 from Zebah and Zalmuna. (Judges 8:7; 8:10). And you I guess you know what happened. Gideon won because the Lord was with him. In your weakness, He'll show you how mighty He is!”
“Woah! 15,000 against 120,000?!!!!” He exclaimed.
“uhuh”, she replied gently but arrogantly, not trying to look at him again.
“Amazing!!...that was incredible!!”…
“Thanks, that what I exactly needed!”……
There’s a long silence. He held her hand again and both closed their eyes.
Then he whispered on her ears, “I’ll miss you a lot,… and I love you so much Miss...”
She didn’t bother to say another word and instead she looked at him tenderly, enjoying a great view of his handsome face.
“I’ll wait for you”
“yeah.. and I promised you that the enemies can’t do anything to make me give up the fight. We’ll never back down you understand me??” Micah said to her with full of assurance. She just nodded, not uttering a single word.
She’s stronger now, armed with courage to go on with her faith to God. She knew it’s not going to be easy. But trusting more God and learning the battles he have won thousand years ago learned gave her hope and assurance. Micah will be alright. He’ll survive there, carrying the name of God...
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