Wednesday, June 10, 2009

When God Reveals a Worshipper in You

.... I have a lot of problems the past few days.. I can't even concentrate with my work. So much pressure...But everytime I go to office I always read this one.. it's an ebook that I downloaded from a Christian website.

But what catches me here is the fact that God inhabits our praises and worship. Yup we need skills... but this is more than just singing songs and hymns to God. I realize the power of music that works through the presence of God.

it's not all about music... rather, IT IS THE PRESENCE OF GOD IN MUSIC that deeply touches the heart of soul...

God cannot enter in a heart where He is not welcomed... And He cannot stay either if we continue to hold sins in our hearts...

God taught me to focus on Him, not on my ugliness and my imperfection.. I cannot understand why He is doing this to me..Or is it hard for my to accept that God loves me so much?? I need Him but somehow refuse Him to come to me.. I came to a point that I even hate and condemn myself.

But when I surrender everything to Him, and gaze at His beauty, you will stand at His awe.. and no matter what happens, He is very much willing to show how beautiful You are in His eyes..

I was remembered that I was created to glorify and worship Him.. Many will discredit me service to God, even my leadership... But I will never stop being a worshipper of God..and I know I can't make this, it is Him that fulfills my destiny and plan for me.

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