-----tHE only tHing that will quaLify you to BecoMe sPiriTuaL lEadeR is tHe fAcT tHat yOu tHink yoU arE noT qUaLifiEd-----
-----God won't Care how maNy tImeS yoU FaLL bUt hOw mAnY tImeS yOu RiSE!!!--------
We were tackling the dark side of leadership on Bible school. I came to know the famous leaders, both secular and spiritual that they have dark pasts..they are all full of imperfections yet they surpass their weaknesses. all of us are dealing with it and nobody is excempted.
I easily discredit the thought of becoming a leader....i don't want commitments and responsibilities... but most of all, i am afraid i might fail again...i am even doubtful about the trust of other people...it is me who was the very first to doubt my capability... i've dealt with a lot of frustrations and disappointments in the past because of these failures..

but last night, I was deliberately enlightened and felt a sense of inner peace in my heart...we all have freedom to choose... PAIN IS PAIN, BUT SUFFERING IS A CHOICE...PAIN IS A FRIEND, IT'S GOD'S DESIGN TO MOLD OUR CHARACTERS... But our choices are crucial...choosing to become BETTER OR BITTER...A VICTOR OR A VICTIM....
PAIN and FAILURES are simply our stepping stones to success..when the DUST OF LIFE is approaching, we just need to shake it off...
It's indeed a challenge for me..God will help me to deal my past and use them for His glory..I am now confident,,,i'm not qualified to becomne a leader in the eyes of the people...but God will enable me...
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