I was listening to the preaching of a pastor in a church I attended last week. Since it's Holy week, the theme is all about Christ's death and resurrection.
I was reminded that Jesus died on the cross to take away my sins and the rest of the people in the world. And His death and resurrection became a way to have a personal and intimate relationship with the Lord. The pastor differentiate the difference between religion and relationship. Religion is doing something for God to get right with God while relationship is the attempt of God to reach to man. Relationship with God means putting our faith on what He has done to us on the cross 2000 years ago.
Religion only restraints an old habit or bad attitude that we had before. But the authentic relationship with God will produce a radical, life-changing results. This is quite simple to differentiate the people who are genuinely following Jesus Christ. If I will have to evaluate myself, I need to start asking myself bout how often do I communicate with the Lord. I need to evaluate with the kind of life that I have right now.
There are things that I really missed in my Christian life. I always underestimate the value of my personal relationship with God and I was focused on doing something. I never seen the pastor preach with passion and intensity until today. And I know I need to go back to what is basic. The importance of Jesus Christ's death and resurrection and my personal relationship with Him.
I do not need to do something for the Lord just to earn His approval. He did the initiative when He died on the cross. Am very thankful because Jesus Christ lay down His life for me.